The Undertaker
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Master of Pain, Mean Mark Callous, Texas Red, The Punisher
The Undertaker, The Last Outlaw, The Phenom, The Deadman, Taker, The American Bad Ass
Big Evil, The Demon of Death Valley, Lord of Darkness
bürgerlich: Mark William Calaway
Erfolge: 1x WCW World Tag Team Champion, 3x WWE World Heavyweight Champion, 4x WWE Champion, 6x World Tag Team Champion, 1x WWF Hardcore Champion
Ric Flair
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Ric Flair, Rick Flair, Black Scorpion, The Nature Boy, Naitch, The Dirtiest Player in the Game
bürgerlich: Richard Morgan Fliehr
Erfolge: 10x NWA World Heavyweight Champion, 8x WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 3x NWA World Tag Team Champion, 2x WWE Champion, 1x Intercontinental Champion, 3x Tag Team Champion
Steve Austin
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Ringmaster, Extreme Superstar Steve Austin, Stunning Steve Austin, Texas Rattlesnake
bürgerlich: Steven James Anderson
Erfolge: 2x WCW United States Champion, 1x NWA/WCW World Tag Team Champion, 2x WCW World Television Champion, WWE 6x WWF/E Championship, 2x WWF/E Intercontinental Championship, 4x WWF/E Tag Team Championship
Hulk Hogan
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: The Super Destroyer, Sterling Golden, Terry Boulder, Hulk Hogan, Hulk Machine, Hollywood Hogan, Mr. America, Hulkster, The Immortal
bürgerlich: Terrence Gene Bollea
Erfolge: 7x WCW World Heavyweight Championship, 1x WWE Tag Team Championship, 6x WWF World Heavyweight Championship / WWE Championship
The Rock
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Flex Kavana, Rocky Maivia, The Rock, The People's Champion, The Great One, Brahma Bull
bürgerlich: Dwayne Douglas Johnson
Erfolge: 5× WWF Tag Team Champion, 2× WWF Intercontinental Champion, 8× WWF Champion / WWE Champion, 2× WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Bret Hart
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: The Hitman
bürgerlich: Bret Sergeant Hart
Erfolge: 2x WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 4x WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, 1x WCW World Tag Team Champion, 5x WWF World Heavyweight Champion, 2x WWF Intercontinental Champion, 2x WWF World Tag Team Champion, 1x WWE United States Champion
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Blade Runner Flash, Flash, Flash Borden, Steve Borden, Sting, The Icon
bürgerlich: Steven James Borden
Erfolge: 6x WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 3x WCW World Tag Team Champion, 2x WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, 2x WCW International World Heavyweight Champion, 1x NWA World Heavyweight Champion, 1x NWA World Television Champion, 1x NWA World Heavyweight Champion, 1x TNA World Tag Team Champion, 4x TNA World Heavyweight Champion
André the Giant (gest. 1993)
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: André Roussimoff, Butcher Roussimoff, Monster Roussimoff, Monster Eiffel Tower,Jean Ferré, Géant Ferré, André the Giant, Giant Machine, The 8th Wonder Of The World, The Gentle Giant
bürgerlich: André René Roussimoff
Erfolge: 1x WWF World Heavyweight Championship, 1x WWF World Tag Team Championship
Bruno Sammartino
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: The Living Legend, The Original Italian Stallion
bürgerlich: Bruno Leopoldo Francesco Sammartino
Erfolge: 1x WWF International Tag Team Champion, 1x WWWF United States Tag Team Champion, 2x WWWF World Heavyweight Champion
Shawn Michaels
bürgerlich: Michael Shawn Hickenbottom
Erfolge: 3×WWF World Champion / WWE Champion, 1× World Heavyweight Champion, 3×WWF Intercontinental Champion, 1×WWF European Champion, 6×WWF/E World Tag Team Champion
Ricky Steamboat
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Richard Blood, Rick Steamboat, Ricky Steamboat, Sam Steamboat, Jr.
bürgerlich: Richard Blood
Erfolge: 2x NWA Television Championship, 1x NWA United States Heavyweight Championship, 1x NWA World Heavyweight Championship, 1x WCW United States Heavyweight Championship, 2x WCW World Tag Team Championship, 2x WCW World Television Championship, 1x WWF Intercontinental Championship
Roddy Piper
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: The Masked Canadian, The Piper Machine, Hot Rod, Rowdy
bürgerlich: Roderick George Toombs
Erfolge: 2x NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, 2x NWA World Television Champion, 1x NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, 1x NWA World Tag Team Champion, 1x WWF Intercontinental Champion, 1x World Tag Team Champion, 1x WCW United States Heavyweight Champion
Triple H
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Terra Ryzing, Jean-Paul Levesque, Triple H, The Connecticut Blueblood, The Game, The Cerebral Assassin, The King of Kings
bürgerlich: Paul Michael Levesque
Erfolge: 8x WWF World Heavyweight Champion / WWE Champion, 5x WWE World Heavyweight Champion, 2x WWF European Champion, 5x WWF Intercontinental Champion, 2x WWF Tag Team Champion, 1x Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
Kurt Angle
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: El Gran Luchadore, The Olympic Hero, The American Hero
bürgerlich: Kurt Steven Angle
Erfolge: Olympiasieger im Freistilringen 1996
1x World Heavyweight Championship, 1x WWE Tag Team Championship, 1x WWF European Championship, 1x WWF Hardcore Championship, 1x WWF Intercontinental Championship, 4x WWF World Heavyweight Championship/WWE Championship, 5x TNA World Heavyweight Championship, 2x TNA World Tag Team Championship, 1x TNA X Division Championship
Kevin Nash
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Diesel, Vinnie Vegas, Oz, Steel, Big Daddy Cool
bürgerlich: Kevin Scott Nash
Erfolge: 5 x WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 8 x WCW World Tag Team Champion, 1 x WWF Intercontinental Champion, 1 x WWF World Heavyweight Champion, 2 x WWF World Tag Team Champion, 2 x TNA Legends Champion, 1 x TNA World Tag Team Champion
Mick Foley
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Cactus Jack Foley, Cactus Jack Manson, Dude Love, Jack Foley, Mankind, Mick Foley, Nick Foley
bürgerlich: Michael Francis Foley, Sr.
Erfolge: 1x WCW World Tag Team Champion, 2x ECW World Tag Team Champion, 3x WWF World Heavyweight Champion, 1x WWF Hardcore Champion, 8x WWF World Tag Team Champion, 1x TNA World Heavyweight Champion, 1x TNA Legends Champion
Randy Savage
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Macho King, The Spider, Macho Man
bürgerlich: Randall Mario Poffo
Erfolge: 2x WWF Champion, 1x WWF Intercontinental Champion, 4x WCW World Heavyweight Champion
John Cena
Kampfname(n)/Namenszusätze: Mr.P, The Prototype, The Doctor of Thuganomics, The Champ, The Chain Gang Soldier
bürgerlich: John Felix Anthony Cena
Erfolge: 2x World Heavyweight Champion, 11x WWE Champion, 3x WWE United States Champion, 2x World Tag Team Champion, 2x WWE Tag Team Championship